Category Archives: Landscaping

How To Research the Best Lawn Fertilizers

best fertilizer for grass

If you are the proud owner of some land covered in lawn, either in the form of a back garden or as a front garden, the fertilizer that you use on your lawn is an essential tool in the arsenal you deploy to make your grass the envy of the neighborhood. When choosing the nutrients that you feed your lawn with, you should not buy just any product – the choice needs to be preceded by some research to figure out what your lawn needs exactly. Here are some tips how to perform that research to find the best fertilizer for grass.

Understand Product Labels

Lawn fertilizers are usually composed of three ingredients, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, indicated on the product label as N, P and K, respectively. Each of the three elements plays a particular set of roles – nitrogen is essential for all plants as it is an important component in chlorophyll, the compound that plants use to harness the sun’s energy and to grow strong and tall; phosphorous plays an important part in cell division and new tissue growth, while potassium ensures the movement of water, carbs and other nutrients inside the plant.

Research Grass Species Suitable for Your Climate Zone

Grass varieties can be divided into species that thrive well in cold climates and types that grow better in warm climates. Either category includes several species that you will have to research one by one to find the variety that works best for your garden.

Know What Your Soil and Your Plants Needs

The next important aspect to research is the quality and the composition of your soil and how you can improve that soil quality to make it suitable for the type of grass that you want to use. The best way to figure that out is to take a soil sample and to get it analyzed in a lab – the test results will tell you exactly whether your soil suffers from any deficiencies and they will also help you find the fertilizer to correct those deficiencies.

Other Aspects to Research

Lawn fertilizers can also be divided into regular and slow-release products – while regular fertilizers require reapplication every 4 weeks, with slow-release products you can prolong that period to 6-8 weeks.

Fertilizers can also be categorized into synthetic and in organic varieties. Organic varieties are beneficial for both the plant and the soil and they ensure that only the optimal amount will be used by your grass, thus eliminating the risk of burning your plants and they are usually slow-release products. Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, take shorter to act (many of them are soluble in water and can be assimilated by the plants instantly) and can be used to give your plants a quick boost of energy, but their effects are not as long-lasting as the effects of organic products, therefore they need to be applied each month. Also, unlike organic varieties, synthetic fertilizers can also risk burning your lawn if not applied correctly, so make sure to pay great attention to the instructions on the label, or opt for the safer, organic option.

What are the Best Wildflowers for the Rocky Mountain Region?

One of the best choices you can make to have a gorgeous garden is to plant wildflowers! By giving the impression of wildness, of unrestrained freedom, they will make your garden look beautiful and original. In addition, they are very easy to care for, so you will not have to worry too much about them. Find out everything you need to know about the best wildflowers for the Rocky Mountain Region from the article below.

Wildflowers can be truly amazing, and their aspect wipes that impression of perfect garden layout and design that may actually spoil the natural beauty. Some people, in their intimate space, want to relax instead of feeling as if they are walking into an impeccable plant museum. But the supreme advantage of wildflowers is that they do not require too much of your time: being accustomed to growing up in open spaces, where no one cares about them, they will not become a burden. Most wildflowers do not require special soils, nor too much water or excess fertilizer.

However, there are certain things you need to do, just to make sure your garden located in the Rocky Mountain Region remains healthy and beautiful yearlong. One of the most important is to choose your meadow mix flowers according to the climate in the region.

Climate in the Rockies

The climate is temperate, oceanic type, being nuanced by the contribution of the Pacific Ocean and a part of the warm oceanic current Kuro-Shivo. Towards the coast, the precipitations are abundant; they pass of 3000 mm annual average, whereas on the plateaus within mountains they do not exceed 350 mm.

The mountainous system of the Rockies is of great importance in the formation of the American Chinook Foehn wind which, in a single day, can raise the temperature from -20 degrees to + 20 degrees in the marginal lands, that is in the prairies. However, dramatic decreases in temperature may also occur in the northern part of the Rocky Mountain Region. In general, the temperatures are typical of an alpine climate, which obviously causes the development of an alpine flora, and forests at lower altitudes.

meadow mix

How do you choose wildflowers for your garden in the Rocky Mountain region?

The advice of specialists is to opt for wildflower species specific to your area and altitude. Do not focus only on the ones you like, as they may be incompatible with the soil you have in the garden. You should also takes into account the available space you have, as many species grow large enough to annihilate the most delicate ones.

A few suggestions you can use to create your own wildflower garden:

  • Colorado Blue Columbine or Rocky Mountain Columbine (Aquilegia coerulea)
  • Heartleaf Bittercress (Cardamine cordifolia)
  • Splitleaf Indian Paintbrush or Rosy Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja rhexiifolia)
  • Fireweed or Great Willow Herb (Chamerion angustifolium)
  • Sego Lily or Mariposa Lily (Calochortus nuttallii)
  • Common Gaillardia or Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristata)
  • Bitter Root (Lewisia rediviva)
  • Wild Blue Flax or Prairie Flax or Lewis Flax (Linum lewisii)
  • Cushion Phlox (Phlox pulvinata)
  • Subalpine Buttercup (Ranunculus eschscholtzii)